View your referrals in two different ways:
1. Referrals tab
To view incoming and outgoing referrals in real time, click the Referrals tab on your top navigation bar:
From here you can:ย
Organize referrals by clicking on column headers (Referral ID, Partnership Type, Issued Date, Client, Service, Referred From, and Status)
Click back and forth between Incoming (referrals made to your organization) and Outgoing (referrals made by you, to a different organization) referral tabs
Click the blue View button to be taken to the individual Referral page
By seeing referrals labeled In-Network, this means your organization has joined the Community Network. Referrals labeled In-Network are referrals you agree to process and provide status updates on, regardless of whether you can provide this service. If for any reason you are unable to provide the service, you are required to cancel the referral and provide cancellation context.
After clicking View for a specific referral, you'll be able to access referral information on the next page.
From here, you can see:ย
Client information and profile page: click the client's name in blue to access their Client Profile page
Service offering
Notes and note history
Click Show Referral Details to see:
Sender information
Recipient information and assigned team members
2. Client profile page
After searching for your client on the Clients page, click the client's name in blue to be taken to their client profile page. Towards the bottom, after the Relationships section, you'll see the Referrals section which reflects all referrals for the client.