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Screening Template Data Dictionary
Screening Template Data Dictionary

Definitions for each field within Healthify's screening template data extract

Steven Ogando avatar
Written by Steven Ogando
Updated over a week ago

Report Summary

Need help figuring out what this report is and what it contains? Below you will find a brief report description as well as necessary data definitions.

This report contains all screening questions and answers.

Data Definitions

Fields are listed in the order they appear in the screening template data extract.

Screening Responses Response ID: ID associated with the specific screening response

Screening Responses Response Created Date: Date that the screening response was captured. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD (although data analysis tools such as Excel may automatically convert dates to your system’s default date format).

Screening Responses Response Order: The number associated with the response to the question. For example, if the responses to a question are listed as: Yes, No, Maybe - Yes will be 1. No will be 2. Maybe will be 3.

Screening Questions Question ID: Healthify ID associated with the specific question

Screening Questions Question: Question that is asked in the screening

Screening Questions Questions Datatype: Type of data field for the screening. Options include single selection, multiple selection, free text

Screening Questions Question Order: The number of where the question falls in the order of the screening. For example, if there are 13 questions in the screening, the number will be from 1-13

Screening Questions Question Updated Date: The date that the screening question was updated in Healthify

Screening ID: The unique identifier of the screening. This is a numeric ID which represents a single screening administered to a client.

Screening Started Date: The date when the screening was started in the company or network's time zone. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD (although data analysis tools such as Excel may automatically convert dates to your system’s default date format).

Screening Updated Date: The date the the screening was updated by the end user

Screening Completed Date: The date when the screening was completed in the company or network's time zone. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD (although data analysis tools such as Excel may automatically convert dates to your system’s default date format). This field will be null if the screening has not been completed.

Screening User First Name: The current first name of the user who started the screening within Healthify. (Note: Healthify supports multiple workflows which enable screenings to be administered without a logged-in user, including patient self-complete screenings and integrated screening workflows. This field will be null for screenings without a logged-in user.)

Screening User Last Name: The current last name of the user who started the screening within Healthify. (Note: Healthify supports multiple workflows which enable screenings to be administered without a logged-in user, including patient self-complete screenings and integrated screening workflows. This field will be null for screenings without a logged-in user.)

Client UUID: The secure unique identifier of the client who was screened.

Client External ID: The current external identifier of the client who was screened. External ID is a generic field that Healthify customers may use to link client records in Healthify to corresponding records in a separate system, typically through an integration or flat file patient import. Often a medical record number (MRN) or member identifier.

Client First Name: The current first name of the client who was screened.

Client Last Name: The current last name of the client who was screened.

Client Email: the current email of the client who was screened.

Client Gender: The current gender of the client who was screened. (Note: Gender is not required for clients.)

Client Birth Date: The current date of birth of the client who was screened. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD (although data analysis tools such as Excel may automatically convert dates to your system’s default date format).

Client Address Line 1: Line 1 of the current address of the client who was screened.

Client Address Line 2: Line 2 of the current address of the client who was screened.

Client Address City: City of the current address of the client who was screened.

Client Address State: State of the current address of the client who was screened.

Client Address Zip Code: Zip code of the current address of the client who was screened.

Screening Responses Response: Response to the screening question

Client Phones: the current phone number of the client who was screened.

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