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Healthify User Census Data Dictionary
Healthify User Census Data Dictionary

Definitions for each field within Healthify's User Census Reports

Steven Ogando avatar
Written by Steven Ogando
Updated over a week ago

Need help figuring out what this report is and what it contains? Below you will find a brief report description as well as necessary data definitions.

The User Census report represents all users belonging to a Team, Company, or Network. This report includes information around when each user was granted access, when they confirmed their account, and when they last signed into Healthify. It also provides the number of searches, created referrals (coordinate/track) and started screenings linked to individual users, as well as any status changes, such as confirming their account or switching companies/teams/roles, the user had undergone during the reporting month. The report is shared by email as a CSV file. 

Please Note: If the user's state has changed within the past complete month, the user may be represented within multiple rows on the report. Jump to the Is Current User State (Yes/No) field to learn how to filter out the duplicate rows.

Data Definitions

Fields are listed in the order they appear in the Healthify User Census report.

Report Month: The month that the User Census report covers.

User ID: The unique identifier of the user.

User First Name: The current first name of the user. (Note: If the user's name has changed at any point, this value will represent the most current name as of the time that the report was pulled.)

User Last Name: The current last name of the user. (Note: If the user's name has changed at any point, this value will represent the most current name as of the time that the report was pulled.)

User Email: The current email address of the user.

User Created Date: The date when this user received a Healthify license.

User State Created Date: The date when this state of the user was created. A user's state is updated when a user changes networks, companies, teams, roles and/or confirms their Healthify account. (Note: If the user's state has changed within the past complete month, the user may be represented within multiple rows on the report.)

User Company Name: The current name of the company of the user.

User Team Name: The current name of the team of the user.  A team is a group of users which belongs to a company.  

User Role: The name of the role of the user.

User Is Confirmed (Yes/No): Whether or not  the user has confirmed their Healthify account.

Is Current User State (Yes/No): A 'Yes' or 'No' field to indicate which state of the user's account is the most up to date.

  • Tip: You can filter the report by this row to remove duplicate rows. Filter it to only show rows with 'Yes' in this field and you will be left with your current users - one row per each unique user.

Has Patient Access (Yes/No): Whether or not the user has access to patient data (also known as Healthify Track).

Team is Referral Enabled (Yes/No): Whether or not the user's team can record patient referrals in Healthify.

Last Sign In Date: The date when this user last logged into Healthify (irrespective of report month).

Screening Started Count: The number of started screenings the user administered over the past complete month.

Screening Completed Count: The number of completed screenings the user administered over the past complete month.

Search Count: The number of searches the user conducted in the past complete month.

Referral Created Count (In-Network - Preferred only): The number of In-Network - Preferred referrals the user created over the past complete month. 

Referral Created Count (In-Network only): The number of In-Network referrals the user created over the past complete month. 

Referral Created Count (Out-of-Network only): The number of Out-of-Network referrals the user created over the past complete month. 

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