Notifications are triggered when activity related to a referral you have created, referral you are assigned to, or a client you are assigned to, occurs in the platform. The different types of notifications you can receive include:
New Referral Received (if you are a referral manager for your resource site)
Referral Assignment (if you are assigned to a referral)
Referral Status Update (if you are the referral sender, assigned to the referral, or assigned to the client’s profile)
Referral Note added (if you are the referral sender, or assigned to the referral)
Referral Attachment added (if you are the referral sender, or assigned to the referral)
Client Profile Merge accepted (if you submitted a client merge request that was approved by a Team Admin)
WellSky Social Care Coordination will send you reminders when events occur on In-Network referrals that you are assigned to, or on Out-of-Network referrals that you have created. These reminders are triggered when an event occurs on a referral and then no action has taken place on a referral in a specified timeframe.
The different types of events that can trigger reminders include:
New referral received but no activity has occurred yet
Referral assignment but no activity has occurred yet
Inactive Out-of-Network referral
Inactive In-Network referral
Notifications and Reminders both appear in the Notifications dropdown in your account. You can open the referral directly through the notification or reminder by clicking on it.
Notifications and Reminders Settings
When the Notifications dropdown is expanded, you can click View Settings to navigate to your Account Settings page. You can also access the Account Settings page by hovering over My Account in the navigation bar and selecting Settings.
On the left hand side, select which settings you would like to change:
Profile - change your name or password
Notifications - change your notifications and reminder settings
Notification Settings
By default, notifications are always sent in-app and to your email inbox, to the email that is associated with your account.
If you would like to opt-out of email notifications, you can unselect a notification type to stop receiving those email notifications.
You will always receive in-app notifications - you cannot opt-out of these.
Reminder Settings
You can control the frequency of reminders you would like to receive. By default, all time-frames are selected.
For example, if you only select “1 Week of Inactivity” you will only receive a reminder after 1 week of inactivity has occurred on a referral that either you sent, have received, or been assigned to.
Example Reminders Scenario
Carrie's organization receives an In-Network referral.
The referral manager assigns Carrie to the referral to handle completion.
Carrie does not take action on the referral.
After 1 week, the site will send a reminder to Carrie to ask her to update the referral they have been assigned to.
Example Notifications Scenario
Raymond sends an In-Network referral to ABC Food Pantry.
The referral manager at ABC Food Pantry accepts the referral and changes the referral status to "Service In-Progress"
Raymond will receive a notification letting them know the referral status has been updated.